Whaling Facts..

31,984 whales have been killed by whaling since the IWC moratorium.
Humpback Whale
Japan has killed 8,201 minke whales in the Antarctic for “scientific purposes” since the IWC moratorium in 1986. 840 whales were killed by Japan using a permit in the 31 years before the moratorium.

Japan has killed a total of 866 whales in 06/07
This is a list of the whales caught:

3 Southern Hemisphere fin whales,

508 Southern Hemisphere minke whales,

197 North Pacific minke whales,

51 North Pacific Brydes whales,

101 North Pacific sei whales, and

6 North Pacific sperm whales.
The 05/06 season was the first time Japan had killed fin whales, which is an endangered species.

Japan had already stated that in 07-08 they will increase their take of fin whales to 50, and also 50 humpback whales as part of their “scientific whaling” programme.